Convoy of Hope Food Distribution 6-19-20 in Tallulah, La.

Some short testimonies from our outreach in Tallulah.

*Shannon was healed of pain caused by lupus in her hands from lupus. She has had lupus for1 year and 3 months.

*Someone with 10-15 years of knee pain was healed of the pain caused by arthritis.

*Vernell could not move his right arm today due to having suffered a stroke. After praying for his arm his was able to move it. He had not been able to do this. He moved it in a circular motion.

*Alberta was healed of back pain from 50 years of suffering from it. She was shocked to say the least.

*Lawrence was healed from shoulder pain in his left shoulder.

*Linda healed from pain in her hands, feet and back after 18 years of suffering from lupus. She sat there and wept and we praised the Lord together. She was in shock.

*Virginia was touched by the Lord after having suffered from pain for 10 years in her right knee.

*David had suffered from back pain caused by a heat stroke for 12 years. After praying for his pain to go away he was not only healed instantly but overcome by the presence of the Lord. He crossed his arms and rocked back and forth under the presence of God. He was visibly stunned by the touch of the Lord.

*One lady who had fresh scars from a recent knee surgery complained about pain in her body. She was able to get out and walk and see gradual relief in her body from pain. She said she was pain free when she got back in her car.

*One lady driving her car was recently diagnosed with Covid 19. She said she struggled to breath due to a struggle in her lungs. I prayed for the Lord to touch her lungs. She was immediately relieved of the struggle to breath caused by Covid 19. This miracle was so fun to watch. She was visibly amazed at the works of God.

*One lady was healed of head pain caused by a knot thats been there for some time.

I accidentally lost many voice notes from my calendar today accidentally. These are the moments listed above that I remember / encounters of healing. Many more were prayed for ... Children with paralyzation in one side of the body. Another child with a disability I prayed for...

Many others touched by the presnece of the Lord.

My favorite thing about today was seeing our team flow together. Many other miracles were poured out among the use of our team. Seeing some of our team... former drug addicts, former possessed by the demonic now serving as CHAMPIONS FOR THE KINGDOM!!!

Healing Testimonies Convoy of Hope Food Distribution 6-11-20 in Winnsboro, La.

The food distribution in Winnsboro would see approximately 1500 people come through to receive food boxes and milk. We saw many touched by the power of the Holy Spirit after receiving their groceries, a Bible, and A Shelter in the Storm book filled with scriptures. The following are a few of the stories from the event: BACK PAIN of 23 years - A older African-American lady stepped out of her vehicle to test her back. She had no pain after getting out of her car and was pleasantly surprised to say the least. There was another occasion where the driver was touched who had knee and shoulder pain. We prayed for her and I then felt led to ask her to pray for her passenger, who also was in pain. She prayed for the passenger and the passenger was healed immediately of pain after the driver prayed for her. Then at the beginning of the event a young lady who was volunteering with us for the first time opened up to me that she had been bleeding due to urinary - kidney problems - and kidney stones needing to pass. I grabbed Brian Rogers to join me in prayer for the young volunteer. As soon as we prayed for her she went to the restroom. She came back in shock that she no longer had bleeding. At the end of the day she had passed all of her kidney stones with no complications. There were a number of other pain healings for back, knee and shoulder pain. On another occasion the person receiving prayer got out of their vehicle and walked around pain free to check for pain. Thankfully we saw many receive a touch from the Lord. Approximately 5 people came to Christ while driving through.

Another healing testimony from a Convoy of Hope Food Distribution 6-4-20 in Delhi, La.

While cars were filing out to leave many of our team were serving the poor giving food boxes, biblical materials, etc. Some in attendance on this day were Celeste Drost, Bonnie Brown, The Allums family, Michael Clark, The Bass family, J.T. Strong, Curtis Wilson, Andrew Dodson, Malcolm Dickerson and his grandson Caleb and Ms Flow Lively to name a few. Hannah Bass and myself started out together praying for folks in their vehicles before they would leave. I had a young mother and her daughter pull up. I asked the mother how we could pray for her. She said she had knee surgery scheduled for her knee. I asked her if she would like for us to pray for her. She replied yes. I then turned to Hannah and said pray for her knee. Hannah spoke and prayed a simple prayer of healing. Pain be gone, knee be healed in Jesus name along with a few other words. After Hannah prayed I asked the mother if she could feel a difference. She replied that she could. I then asked her to get out of the car and test her knee by walking on it. She did. When she began to walk she found that there was no pain in her knee and she began rejoicing in the Lord. Her daughter of about 5 or 6 years old then jumped out of her seat and ran around the car to hug my daughter Hannah giving her thanks for praying for her mother.

A Healing Testimony in Lake Village Arkansas 5-28-20

In another instance a young 12 year old girl had never prayed for anyone.  As a matter of fact I was told that her family was not even in church.  A local volunteer asked us to pray for her family after the event.  

What took place was so FUN to watch.  I think the 12 year old girls name was Lyrie.  She simply shadowed me toward the last hour of the event and I asked her... "Have you ever prayed for anyone?"  Do you know how to pray?"  She said she had just learned how to say a prayer to bless her food... God is Good God is Great prayer... 

I'm thinking this is going to be really interesting to see when she begins seeing the Lord heal folks.  So she stuck by my side for the last portion of the prayer line.  After watching me pray for a few folks I was ready to throw her in the RIVER!!!  The prayer opportunity moment that changed her outlook on prayer was when an African American lady drove up to she and I.  I asked the lady if she had any prayer needs.  The lady said "YES".  I'm scheduled to have surgery on my left shoulder.  I'm in excruciating pain.  So I asked the lady if the young 12 year old girl could pray for her.  She said yes.  So I simply prompted the young girl to speak a very simple prayer ... "Shoulder be healed, Pain be gone in Jesus Name". I had the young girl place her hand on the shoulder while praying.  

Once the child prayed for the adult lady I then proceeded to interview the lady.  Ma'am can you test your arm and see if your pain level is any better.  The lady began to move her shoulder in a circular motion.  SHE WAS IN SHOCK!!! She began telling us with excitement how ALL OF THE PAIN had left her shoulder.  SHE WAS IN DISBELIEF to say the least. 

The most beautiful part of this story is that the young girl began taking over each new car that would drive up asking "Are you in pain?"  She was rocked.  She was literally running to the cars that would try to drive off and flag them down to make sure we prayed for them.  She later began praying for folks without me!!! 

To say I was FILLED WITH JOY UNSPEAKABLE would be an understatement.  This day was marked with many stories like this one.  Many people were healed of pain and only Heaven will know the final outcome of the many prayers offered up yesterday.

Healing Testimony in Monroe May 2020

While ministering at a local church called “Powerhouse Church of God in Christ” Michael Clark and I were serving with Convoy of Hope distributing food. One car with 2 African American ladies pulled up. I simply asked how I could pray with and for these ladies. One lady had recently had a reconstructive knee surgery and was still having pain in her knee. I said a simple prayer of healing and commanded pain to leave her knee. After praying for the lady I asked her to step out of the car to test her knee. She stepped out and to her amazement she was healed of ALL PAIN. She shouted with JOY lifting her hands praising GOD IN THE PARKING LOT. What a blessing to watch this all unfold.

More Encounters of Healing and Salvation 4-6-19


The first testimony comes from a lady who attends CR at FBC Rayville and I prayed for her condition with COPD.  

We prayed a few weeks ago about this condition and I received her update this morning. 

"I no longer have wheezing in my lungs, my breathing has improved tremendously. I still need the oxygen, I am getting better.  Thank You for caring enough to pray for me at that moment.  Thank You!"


This past Thursday evening I was asked by a former convert that I led to Christ and helped her life recover from Drugs - to introduce her at CR at FBC Rayville. Erica McNease Carlin.  

Erica shared her testimony at CR Thursday Night of how the Lord delivered her but used her being healed in Prison when she and I prayed together to come to Salvation in Christ.  Since I introduced her before the crowd at CR Thursday night I was given the green light to call for a response at the end of her message during the service - Altar Call.  Probably 5 or more looked up to receive Christ and prayed to do so at the end of the service.  2 of these made it public.  

Then afterwards I invited some folks to join me to pray for a couple who have been through an atrocity recently.  The man Josh is blind due to being stabbed by a co-worker and he now attends a blind school.  The couple is Joe and Alicia.  We met up with them to pray for their healing but what we discovered was their LOSTNESS.  Especially Joe.  A good man but unchurched.  So we prayed with Joe and Alicia to profess Christ as their savior. We haven't heard of any manifestation of healing in his eye sight yet so please keep praying for him.  

Then after we prayed for this couple my daughter Hannah has been reaching out to a young man named Tyler. Tyler waited patiently for us to finish our time of prayer with Joe and Alicia.  We easily took 30 minutes with the couple. Tyler opened up about his depression and his need for Christ.  He is about 17 or 18. He looks like he stepped out of a Heavy Metal Rock Band - But Thursday Night professed Christ as Savior and we took it a step further to break the spirit of Heaviness and Suicide off of his life.  Tyler joined a group of us men afterwards to pray with our brother Michael Stephens.  Some of these men that joined me and led out in these prayers were Michael Stephens, J.T. Strong, Brian Rogers, Rayland Trisler, Brent Smart, Jess Horne along with my wife Michelle, Ms. Bonnie and Hannah to name a few.  (So 5 people professed CHRIST AS SAVIOR) this past Thursday night.  


So yesterday (Friday) while waiting to get my oil changed at Walmart in Monroe I took the opportunity to pray with 4 people.  

First person in a wheel chair turned me down.

The second person walking with a withered hand allowed me to do so.  He suffers with Arthritis.  Was not in pain at that moment so I could not get a report of any difference after we prayed. 

The third person was in a motorized chair - had experienced a broken foot - plates and screws involved.  African American man from Texas named David who was visiting family.  He allowed me to anoint him with oil and I placed both hands on his foot.  As I began to pray I spoke to the pain and commanded it to leave and prayed for an accelerated healing from the broken bones.  After I finished praying I asked David if he sensed any change in his foot.  He said, "At the moment you placed your hands on my foot and began to pray I could feel the pain from the screws pushing into my bone of my leg dissipate.  The pain subsided."  He has my card and I requested he keep me abreast of any new developments.  

Since going on the mission trip to Honduras I was challenged to be more evangelistic in my daily life by Mario - friend of David Trapp.  I had Mario pray for our group to receive an impartation of the passion and gift of evangelism he walks in.  I really believe something has happened since that time in Honduras.  Since leaving Honduras in mid January I have led 61 people to faith in Christ within about a 2 1/2 month period of time.  When you read about Jesus walking throughout the Gospels he was intentional every place he went.  That's what I've been seeing in my life.  I'm trying to be in constant prayer of wherever I go to be in tune with Holy Spirit.  

Today I meet with a woman who has driven in from Houston Texas to receive prayer ministry.  My wife Michelle will be assisting me to minister to this lady.  Michelle has never been my prayer partner in doing a deliverance / inner healing prayer session. Please pray for us as we move in this new realm of bring SALVATION - to others - SAVED, HEALED AND DELIVERED.  

God Bless,

Whit Bass 

Recent Healing Testimonies 4-1-19


CONVOY OF HOPE OUTREACH WINNSBORO, LA - Saturday March 30 at 7 A.M. - 2 P.M. Led 5 PEOPLE TO CHRIST - Signs Wonders Miracles = A lady that was deaf in one ear was healed. A hispanic woman who was awaiting back surgery came for prayer - All pain left her back after we prayed. Many were healed of different pain areas in their body. Those who joined with me in prayer today - Michelle, Andrew Dodson, Brian Rogers and J.T. Strong.


Pastor Gracious followed up with a mom and her son. This prayer need came about by us asking the Lord to give us a picture or image before we left the church to go out into the village this month. The Lord gave me a picture of a woman  carrying an object on her head. So that’s what we were looking for as we left the village. We encountered this lady walking with a hoe on her head and it balanced itself.  We discovered her son was in need of prayer due to bleeding from his male organ. We also discovered that she was involved in witchcraft and that she didn’t know Christ.  She did pray to receive Christ and I just found out her son did in fact get healed. 

Here is the report from Pastor Gracious. 

"You remember this woman postor? Iwent there this morning to followed up her child. She God Jesus to heal son. From the day you prayed for him no more problem from his penis. He is no more producing blood. He is fine.She thank God for the wonderful healing to her son."

Healing testimonies from Malawi Africa 2019

🔥 Estimation of 50 different prayer encounters 

🔥 Pastor Gracious’ wife Joyce healed of lack of strength 

🔥 Muslim convert to Christianity— Rafael’s grandmother healed of ability to walk without a stick to 

      assist Bruce and Pastor Gracious prayed for this.  

🔥 Chief Kapanga # 3 healed of Ringing Noise in his ear - took about 2-3 days. Jerry Yarborough 

      also helped pray for this to be complete.  

🔥 Pastor Gracious Grandmother - Pastor Gracious   
      and I prayed a healing prayer for Shingles. There 

      was an Improvement of strength already 

      happening. She’s been able to go to her garden 

      and work. 

🔥 Helen, a 15 year old girl found lying flat on the 

      ground in severe pain of stomach and head ache   

      pain; said she had been in this condition for days. I 

      prayed for her and she immediately was healed 

      then became a follower of Christ. 

🔥 A young man brought his wife to the seminar after 

      the marriage seminar. His wife Emory had 

      been in pain since NOVEMBER - the pain had 

      moved from her back to her feet and then to her 

      breast and stomach. We prayed for her to be healed. 

      She said there may have been a witchcraft  

      curse on her, so we prayed for the curse to be broken as   

      well. The Pain left her stomach and 


We prayed for an elderly widow’s eyesight and knee pain. 

      She got immediate relief in her legs and said her eyesight 


🔥 Woman with chest pain healed. 

🔥 Gas Station - Worker - A young man Francis’ ear was 

      healed of pain and discharging. 

🔥 Another worker healed of a head ache. A young man named     

      Emmanuel who requested prayer on 

      my first trip through greeted me on our return trip to  

      Lilongwe.  He said since we prayed he hasn’t 

      been the same and had been filled with joy!  I 

      asked him to pray for his co-worker 

      with a head ache and he prayed for her and he grew in his 

      faith this day to see that his prayers work 

      just as effective as mine had for him.

🔥 Meery a WIDOWS headache healing 

🔥 WIDOW Maria Josephine- healed of eye itching in Sunlight. 

🔥 WIDOW - NTENDA - Healed of back pain after operation - back spinal area and hip area were 


      HER. 🔥🔥🔥. 

🔥 WIDOW - MAWTZY She has 6 kids in her home. I prayed for her foot - joint pain. She stood and 

      walked a few different times. The pain decreased each time we prayed. 

🔥 Flight from Llongwe Africa to Ethiopia 🇪🇹 - During the flight I Prayed for 3 Stewardesses. All 3 

      were shocked and rocked by Holy the Ghost. Stewardess # 1 - would not tell me where her pain 

      was. I said that’s ok. Just let me pray. She finally agreed. After I prayed she was in shock when 

      she discovered her pain left.  Stewardess #2 had emotional pain. Her emotional pain also left 

      immediately.  Stewardess #3 said she and her daughter had a sinus infection - I prayed for her 

      and her daughter.

 🔥 Jerry Yarborough and I prayed for a blind in one eye Muslim shoe shine man.  I prayed once 

       and no immediate result.  I prayed again placing my right thumb over his closed eyelid and said 

       eye open and be healed in Jesus Name.  He was healed in one eye. 🔥  I told him we prayed in 

       Jesus Name for his healing and that we were Christians.  We are praying he receive Jesus    

       Christ AS HIS KING.

Healing testimony from Pastor Dario from Honduras: 1/26/19

Family in Jesus.

The Lord showed how much He loves us, this time the signal is manifested in Dora's Heath. After having the test results the Dr. said that her Health condition is better much better thank every before. Her kidneys, that este not funtioning will, only 40% have recovered to 95%. It is a miracle. We praise the Lord for this, and for Meeting us to see the changes in her body and sólo. She is back to the days when, use to work hard.we can see how much  she has.changed. Thanks! very much for your prayers and your love. Please pass the word to the church. Abiding and Serving until. He comes back. 


Jess Horne Father Cancer Free

Brian Rogers and Brent Smart invited me to the home of Jess Horne’s Father to pray with him concerning praying for healing of cancer. Brian and Brent had already prayed for Mr. Horne and my daughter Hannah and I showed up after they had already prayed with him. Mr. Horne had cancer in 2004 and went into remission. Cancer came back again in 2008 then went into remission. We met and prayed with him after he had a form of bladder cancer that came back. Since we prayed for him this fall of 2918 he has received a cancer free report. We give the Lord God Almighty all praise and thanks for this good report.

Healing testimony from Marion Boggs

On this day of November 7, 2018, we invited Marion Boggs to join us for a breakfast.  Curt Eberts blessed us with a fine meal he cooked for us to eat and fellowship with one another.  Many men shared about what they have been seeing the Lord do in their midst.  

As my brother Gary Lively was standing up to leave to go to work I asked him to wait just a minute longer.  I asked Marion Boggs to share his recent healing testimony.  

Below is Marion's Testimony handwritten to me.  

On October 31, 2018

"I was totally healing of an 80% hearing loss in my left ear.  It has been that way since I was 50 years old.  I about soon to turn 56 years of age.  Whit Bass, Michael Clark and Melissa Keaster - I want to thank you for so allowing the Holy Spirit to work through your ministry to BREAK strongholds, soul ties, & generational curses - from out of and off of me!  I am FREE in Jesus name and words first do not say the joy in my heart.  As the 3 of you prayed over & claimed healing in my ear we agreed together for restoration.  The next day out of the blue as I was listening to a CD on GRACE my ear like popped and HEALED - TOTAL HEALING - I Praise the LORD for HIS MARVELOUS WONDER in my eyes and EARS!


We then watched Marion pray for Patrick and John McCormick’s ears - to be healed.  Patrick with ringing and John for his ears to pop and open up. This prayer request came from Patrick and John both excited to hear Marion’s testimony, the Lord instantly healed Patrick and John’s ears.

Healing Testimony in Florida

Tuesday, October 23, 2018;

 While in Florida recently I noticed a woman walking on the boardwalk with a strange limp in her ankle. The Lord gave me compassion towards her in that moment. I had a friend of Hannah with me named Ashley Prine. Her mother Michelle is a friend of Kelly McCormick Murphy.  Ashley and I prayed for Vicky ‘s condition. Vicki said that her spine had a tumor that was incurable. So, Ashely and I prayed for the Lord to heal her body from the tumor and the effects of it. Below is a testimony from Vikki after we prayed with her. 

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 1:42 PM Vicki Duncan wrote: 
I was so thankful for your precious prayer and sweet spirit when you prayed for me the other day. I was headed to the house to get more meds because I had a migraine coming on. As you prayed I trusted the Lord to heal me and in a few short minutes, the  
Flashing lights and usual pre-headache problems were gone and I’ve had no problem since. I know His healing power is just as strong for this growth on my spine. Many thanks and blessings to you all. 
Vicki Duncan

Healing Testimony In Eudora Arkansas

Thursday, October 11, 2018:

I wanted to share a quick testimony of a recent happening at a Tent Revival in Eudora Arkansas.  Our family ministers with the Convoy of Hope Outreaches throughout the Delta Region.  Out of these Outreaches we are beginning to hold tent revivals throughout the Delta Region.  
This past weekend Hannah was set to lead worship on the Saturday Evening Tent Meeting while I had the privilege to speak / preach.  The congregation is primarily made up of African American culture.  The crowds were not large. Approximately 40-50 people in attendance.  
While Hannah was leading worship she felt led to speak out prophetically, backs being healed and other prophetic healing words.  She would later discover that 2 African American Pastors were healed that very evening.  One of those African American Pastors names was Pastor Bunn.  
Pastor Bunn stood up to testify about his healing from the evening before.  He said that he suffered a back accident and was paralyzed for 8 months.  He has slowly began to heal since that time but has continued to have agonizing pain.  He said that when Hannah gave the word backs be healed while singing he felt a healing in his back begin at that very moment - the healing began in his back and went from the back into his abdominal area and healed other issues in his stomach abdominal area as well.  
He spoke a word to Hannah to encourage her.  "You have no idea what God has in store for you.  He has great plans for you".



Day 3

On this day Michael Clark and I were joined up to go out and Minister – preach, equip, encourage, exhort, and pray for the most vibrant church I’ve ever attended on foreign soil. Michael and I were both treated with such honor or you may say like royalty :-).  Pastor Solomon and his nephew Ken picked Mike and I up at the hotel around 10 AM that morning. We drove for about 30 minutes outside of the city of Meru. 

Upon arriving the small church structure seated somewhere between 150–200 people - The church looked to mirror most Third World country churches. Tin roof, Tin siding, dirt floors... but their people were so full of the love of Jesus they worshipped so exhilarating towards their Father in heaven that I fell in love with these people immediately. 
As we were escorted into the church building we were seated near the front and offered bottled water and Coca-Cola and Fanta sodas in a glass bottle...need I tell you they were good because they use real sugar :-) 

Before we ever preached a single word, we admired and we were blown away by the dance of the children, teenagers, adults and the reverence of those preschool children that sat in line like little angels for at least four hours. We literally were in worship for four or 4 1/2 hours.  Pastor Solomon introduced me to speak and then Michael came up after me to speak to the people. I preached a short message of maybe 25 minutes on the kingdom of God and on the word of salvation which in the Greek language is SOZO. That word is a comprehensive word for salvation. In Ephesians chapter 2 verse eight - the Scripture states it is by grace you have been saved.  That word saved means (saved, healed, and delivered)! Unfortunately for so many years I only thought of or knew the term salvation as my ticket to heaven. The Lord has shown me over these past years that his picture of salvation is to make us whole and free and to send us to go and pray for others to be Saved, healed, and delivered so that they can do the same and advance his Kingdom and bring those in darkness into his marvelous light of eternal salvation but also an abundant life here on earth. 

One young lady named Delinda was a beautiful African young lady who one would’ve never known was once demonically possessed.  This church must’ve helped her by the grace of Jesus Christ to get her free of her demonic issues. She was now a leader in the church. I affirmed the people in leadership there that this is what the gospel of Jesus Christ truly looks like. (Saved healed and delivered) - And then I pointed out that in Isaiah 61 the exact passage that Jesus spoke in Luke chapter 4:18 set the captives free, heal the brokenhearted, give recovery of sight to the blind; This very message in Isaiah 61:4 is that those who were broken and wounded & captive were the ones who would rebuild the ruined cities and ancient ruins – you know.... those who will become the solution that were once the problem.
Keep in mind each time we preach we are having to use an interpreter for Swahili language of the African people. Then after I completed preaching Mike Clark was introduced and affirmed the people greatly. 

Michael has a very strong gift to encourage others while unlocking their potential to be more than they could ever hope or imagine. Michael also preached a short message as well. His topic was on Legacy, Kingdom, power and he pointed out the importance of how the church we were speaking at appeared to be doing a great work to leave behind a great legacy from a great lineage of Jesus followers.  
Michael also has a great gift for calling the people into an altar response time. The people readily responded to receive prayer for healing and deliverance. Michael sensed that many needed prayers for healing in their back so those were the first ones he called forward.  What we noticed was that in this atmosphere of Gods glory many who came for prayer were being healed in their back before we ever prayed for them. We were both astounded at what God was doing. An atmosphere of EXPECTANCY.  We then moved into praying for each person who came for different needs. Pastor Solomon was my interpreter while Michael used Pastor Solomon’s nephew Ken to help him.  What I love about what Michael did was that he encouraged Ken to do all the praying while he coached him through. Michael sensed a strong calling on Ken to be a future pastor and felt he was to bring him in from being nominally involved to participating in the church to becoming a future pastor. This fit Michael’s message of legacy. Equipping. Not that we come into town, pray for everyone to be touched and then leave but that we are constantly instructing the people they can do it too.  I would pray a prayer over each one after they had been touched by God to walk in resurrection power (Luke 24:49) and boldness and go and do likewise – heal the sick - cast out devils - be bold. 

For each person that I prayed with there was not a single time that each person was not touched by the Lord in some measure of healing for their pain or of their demonic oppression they were under. 
Some of the healings that stood out in my mind:  
One lady who was elderly and was very limited as to what she could do in her body because of the pain in her feet and legs - Once the Lord touched her she began to dance her little victory dance and I just watched in wonder at her freedom and her joy of what the Lord had done in her life. Watching an Elderly woman Dance and testify to the church what the Lord had done with no inhibitions was REFRESHING. 

EYE-SIGHT:  Another lady came for Prayer who could not see. I’m not sure what her level of sight was but Pastor Solomon told me she needed prayer for her eyesight. I have to be honest. My eyesight is terrible. This was the one time that I actually felt a little unsure in my own faith for this prayer request since I don’t have good eyesight myself. I know that may seem unspiritual but just being honest... but that’s the thought that ran through my head. Gloriously the Lord touched her eyes and she also was healed in her eyesight and then testified of the MIRACLE of how God healed her. 

Another young man I prayed for who had very limited abilities with his body movements and looked to have some form of epilepsy... He danced differently from all the other children and teenagers. He stood out. But not in a way that most of us would say was a good way. But Mike and I watched him more than all the others because we were taken back by his heart and his zeal to dance even though his dancing was different because he was limited. In America we would call him disabled or someone with a disability. I had the privilege to pray for him and as I prayed for him he manifested demonically... stiffened up and began to drool saliva.  He began to sweat profusely as God was touching him. But God touched him and it was so beautiful!!

Our prayer ministry at the altar lasted somewhere in the neighborhood of one and 1/2 hour or two hours. The people came constantly for prayer. Like a steady stream. As many were being healed they were going into their neighborhood leaving the church to go find and bring in their sick friends or family members. Some came for prayer and stood in place of their family members that could not be there. I’m going to say we prayed for somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 to 100 people at the Altar and God touched every single one that we prayed for. Most were healings while some were deliverances. Some of the pain healings were of a demonic nature. The reason I know this is whenever I would pray for someone with pain sometimes the pain would move from one place in the body to another place. Holy Spirit made me aware that this is an indicator to pray again and I commanded pain to leave and the spirit of infirmity to go.  

Michael Clarke’s perspective: 
Michael prayed for a lady with epilepsy who was obviously having issues. After praying for her she began to smile and the countenance on her face changed. She went from having a look of confusion and depression to being happy and free. As Holy Spirit obviously was touching her she said she felt like she was falling joyfully.
We saw many healed in their back, knees, elbows, stomach problems, chest pains, and more. They would move, jump and dance from their healings. The sick with coughs and flu like symptoms were touched as well.
Written by Whit Bass and Michael Clark


Morning Womens Conference Session - Mike introduced Hannah as favored from the Lord for opening doors for her to record her music. 

Hannah led 2 songs - How great Thou Art and What a beautiful Name it is.  Prayed and declared prophetically over the women and few pastors that were in attendance. 

Michael Clark introduced material of he and Jerry Linhares for premarital counseling. Gave pastors their own copy of the material. Honored Jerry for his many years of the material. Over 200 couples counseled and none have divorced. Michael has merged his own material with Jerry’s material to create the marital material for couples. D for the local pastors of Meru (pronounce MAY-RU.  

At the end of the service Mike invited any who needed prayer to come for salvation. All professed to know Christ at this mtg. He then began to share a word of knowledge for any with pain in their right knee to be healed. He released that word and some were healed immediately.  He then gave a word to a young lady wearing a bright red shirt.  He told her that the Lord had shown him she had been holding back from being used by Christ. She came forward and he instructed her to Shadow / follow Whit to pray for others to be healed. Whit coached her on how to pray short command prayers for pain to leave, infirmities to be gone, to be healed in Jesus Name. We saw 2 ladies healed of muteness. Deafness.  The First Lady has one ear that did not completely heal but other ear opened completely and was able to make a strong vocal sound The first one healed of deaf and mute prayed for the second to be healed and God healed her FULLY. Pastor Alice prayed for eyesight to open and sight was fully restored. Person wasn’t completely blind but could not see well even with glasses.  Many many pain Healing’s took place. (estimating 60 or so) and the young lady in Red - Grace was in the middle of it all.  Hannah led worship before and during the healing portion. A powerful presence and atmosphere was available to all today at the community Christ church in Meru!!!  The 2nd lady healed of muteness and hearing danced a victory dance!!!! It was Beautiful!!!!

Crusade - Open Air. Maybe 150 in attendance.  Hannah Bass sang and ushered in an atmosphere. Whit Bass preached a short msg on the Kingdom and shared some of Hannahs testimony. Michael Clark did an outstanding job drawing the net for the Kenyan people to respond. The atmosphere being outdoors was more challenging. Mike compelled them to come for prayer. We finally got a break through. Pls pray that the atmosphere tmrw night to be more heavenly!!’  More souls. 

Probably prayed for around 40 to be healed of either pain or delivered of demonic. Maybe 2-3 demonic instances. We had one salvation that I know of  

Pls pray that tmrw night we see a harvest of souls. People are so receptive. 

Our waitress Christine allowed us (Whit and Pastor Carol - from Kenya- to pray for her healing of a collar bone that never healed right from a car accident.  Constant pain. We prayed and immediate improvement from pain took place right there in the restaurant. She plans to attend the crusade. Believes in Jesus. 

Very exciting first full day of Ministey. Long days. Pls pray we an get rest when we have opportunity. Much equipping being done  - an effort to leave a deposit behind after we are gone.